Saturday, September 19, 2009

Cause t'was cheap

Dropped into a garage sale today for a look. There was mostly crap that should be thrown out instead of sold but as I was the only one there I felt bad about walking out so I started looking through a box of books. They told me that the books were 20c each but I ended up with five of them for 50c. I'll probably never read them but they will fill up my already overflowing bookshelf some more. But I felt a bit sorry for the poor people running the show. It's a bit like walking past and activating an automatic door by accident. Sometime I almost go in so I don't hurt the doors feelings before remembering that that's how the robotic uprising might start and I'm not one to mess with the space time continuum. Or am i...

I think it's high time for a gaming tip. When in doubt, blow all your cool downs/empty your magazine. Especially paladins. When in doubt, bubble hearth. If emptying your magazines don't forget to also throw all your grenades and take cover before you kinda die. The idea behind firing off all your ammo is twofold. A: You might kill something and B: You might scare something off. Also you probably lose it all when you die. Blowing cool downs is much the same in that you might kill something or if you look scary enough you might make them hesitate. Although we both know that trying to scare some fat cheezle fueled basement nerd with shiny lights is pretty much as likely as Cataclysm being the last expansion.

That reminded me of this, which I saw awhile ago. Sometimes I wish it was true, but there are probably about 500 of those dudes and then just us and facebook. Also, most of WoW are gold farmers just creating a market for themselves. Which probably doesn't make any sense financially but I wasn't educated in that area so leave me to my own crazy world!

Well that's quite enough time wasting on this certain task so I bid you farewell. I realise I should have written this in pirate but I couldn't be bothered anymore.