Thursday, August 6, 2009

Watch this!

I had a productive day today! I woke up and wondered how a bus had gotten into my room, run me over and then gotten out again without me waking up. I then went down the street to sell some books I will never read again and are taking up book shelf space. Turns out my collection of near perfect condition of Lord of the Rings trilogy is worth $5. I suppose I should have sold them around the time of a movie or to a lesser extent, game release. So since I was five bucks up I chipped in another three and got The One That Got Away, about the only German PoW to escape back to Germany.

Then I decided to replace the battery in my watch that I haven't used for a good few years. Twelve bucks later and I have half a kilo of expensive and delicate machinery rolling around my wrist and getting caught in all my pockets. I usually use my phone for the time but I decided that I would change it to 24 hour time so I could learn to read it. Instead of knowing 24 time off by heart, I just spend the afternoon confused and trying to guess the time from the sun or the radio. Now at least I have a watch with no numbers to help me. I do like the look of it though and I will now know when I'm running late and by how much. Though I doubt very much that it will even once prevent me from being behind time.

Then I bought ice cream. Not just the normal ice encrusted from the deep freeze in the corner milk bar type though. This stuff was the real deal actually tastes like what it's named after, type. For a few bucks I got a scoop of mint, a scoop of apple pie and a scoop of Snickers. This stuff actually tastes like their namesake. Even the apple pie has an aftertaste of pastry. The mint was pretty standard though. Now this ice cream was served in a little cup and by the time I had gotten to the Snickers it was beginning to melt. After eating the icy parts I prepared to drink the rest. Illidan should have been there to tell me "You are not prepared!" or sum such drama. Eating a Snickers in normal or ice form is a pleasant experience (unless your allergic to nuts in which case you should be dialing 000) But drinking one is a whole new way of consuming novelty flavoured ice cream. It won't change your life but it will make you consider drinking all future candy for the next five minutes.

That is all.