Sunday, July 26, 2009

Gaming tips!

Another addition of gaming tips! You are not Superman/Rambo. (unless of course you are playing a game which involves Superman or Rambo as a playable character) But that said, you can and will die if you think you cannot be killed. For example, it may seem like a cool or heroic deed to charge a machine gun with a nife and a grenade to knock it out and save your team who may be pinned down. But you are far more likley to go down in a screaming mess of bullets and claret three feet from your trench.
Or charging ahead in a tank to crush your opponents under your iron treads might be your thing? In that case you will likley get close to them and take a few out but you will soon be knocked out by a hail of grenades, rockets, recoiless rifles and any number of tank killing munitions. Even if you manage to get out before your vehicle goes up you will be mown down by the machine gun you overlooked... and now your team doesnt have a tank anymore.

That said however, one man can save the day with a little strategy and alot of luck. Said person will be hailed more as a hero than the guy who served so admirably as cannon fodder. I guess the ammo in their corpse can't do any more harm so it's not all wasted. And although I cringe when a team mate charges into the fray, only to get mowed down by an endless variety of small arms; when an opponent does the same to you it is oh so satisfying. Not quite as fun as killing Americans with a spade in DoD Source, but still fun. Actually I think a well placed grenade onto a camper/sniper is the most pleasing kill. Or perhaps the well placed sniper bullet. Oh no, wait! It's the opponents unsuspecting zerg into my MG emplacement. Well the list goes on and on, but are'nt we so damn lucky to have this vast variety of violence and such an interesting arsanel right at our fingertips at any time of day?

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Dear Santa...

This would be the best toy ever. When I win the lotery I am going to buy one of these to drive around town.

"Hey Hanz, zey are scratching your paint job!"

mmm juice...

I just polished off two litres of Mildura tropical fruit drink. I feel a bit ill now but my body will thank me later for giving it some fruit like substance. My diet of late has been made up mostly of bread because I have been too lazy to go and do any shopping. So I went shopping today and got juice, apples, and a handfull of salami from the nice lady at the deli. So despite going shopping I still havnt managed to get much in the way of food. I did however get some nasty chemicles and fixed our blocked drain so now the shower doesnt overflow if you are in there for more than 90 second. So I'm proud despite not getting much done in the way of homework. But it is oh so good to have a computer again. Not because I can't live without the interwebs, but more because TV is really lame most of the time.

Well, I'm off to make some noodles and probably burn myself. I'm almost tempted to make some mashed spuds but I don't think I have a spud masher... or spuds...

Friday, July 24, 2009


Fixed my computer finally. Will start blogging again soon.

Monday, July 6, 2009

mmm chips...

I'm sitting here considering going and getting $2.50 worth of chips for a rather late lunch. Because chips are awesome and I'm not getting much done anyway. mmm chips...

Had another person come to inspect the room today and I think this ones a winner. She was an army mechanic I think and seemed quite nice. Well, at least this one seems less likely to rob me of everything I own (of value, because I own a veritable shit storm of misc crap or kill me in my sleep... if they can navigate through my crap.

Chips are looking even better now...

I'm trying to decide if I should go see Transformers two or Ice Age three. I may or may not be too old to go and watch kids movies. But I hear Transformers is really bad. I tried watching the first one and gave up about half way to go and play Supreme Commander instead because they have bigger and cooler robots... bigger and more smashy robots. Reckon I could still get my hands on a copy of One Must Fall?

Friday, July 3, 2009


I have decided to quit my course and follow my dream!

My dream involves buying a store in a quiet alley and setting up the top story as a living space and having the bottom as a book store. Once that is completed I will become an alcoholic and hire two similarly alcoholic staff too work there. I assume that mischief and hilarity will follow in due course.

Or I will take up playing WoW again...

That is all

Thursday, July 2, 2009


I accidentally left the milk on the bench at breakfast yesterday. Because everyone in this house is a robot or a vampire (robots are about the only thing other than garlic farmers that can live with vampires)we don't use lights a lot which is why I only just saw the milk had been left out. Yet I didn't throw it away because I knew that it would still be fine. How can you leave milk on a bench for a day and a half without it going off you ask? It's actually very simple. You see, this house is so damn cold that we hardly need a fridge. As such I have started leaving more things out. Cheese, processed meats, carbonated cola drinks, and opened cans of fruit.

I think it's interesting that by spending money to heat a house people then have to spend more money to cool their food. But here we are saving money on heating the house and cooling the food. Money and energy, I should say, because we are saving the planet...
I have come to the conclusion that when I win the lottery (when , as opposed to if) I will probably still live like a student/hobo/PoW. That way I can afford another spare jet!

That is all.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


These things are made in Bendigo and you can occasionally see them around town. They are exported all over the place, especially to countries with forces deployed in the middle east, but lack suitable vehicles because of their native terrain. A pretty nifty vehicle that can be used almost anywhere.

Wheres Inspector Rex when I need him!

The case of the mysterious assignment. I have an assignment that includes writing a review on eight management plans. I went to the library and rounded up eight management plans, each thick enough to be easily used defend against home intruders. I carted them back, dumped them in my room and watched a German movie on SBS while pretending not to read the subtitles while still understanding the predictable plot line. After being distracted by a box of BBQ Shapes and a shin eating coffee table I sat down and got ready to work. All was going well and I was about to ace this assignment... At least I would have if I could find the flaming thing...

Not doing an assignment because you had forgotten or were just incompetent is one thing. But you can't get annoyed because it's your own damn fault. But not being able to do an assignment because you cannot even find it, is just so frustrating! I can see it on my 'to do' list, right at the top, mocking me. It has a hash infront of it for no particular reason. A hash born of pure taunting intention. It has a recomended due date of March that I was told to ignore. Perhaps at the end of March, it removed itself from my workbook and moved to Switzerland to work in a diamond mine. Regardless, I now find myself distracted again and wanting to finish the box of shapes I started.

When the time comes to hand in the assignment, my cries of "I tried, oh how I tried!" will fall on the deaf ears of the institution for but a moment. My cries will be ignored as they haul me away to the paper mines deep below the earth where I will work off my assessment debt by sweating blood. There I will toil endlessly, miles below the earth to supply paper for the students, lecturers, board members, office workers and parking ticket writers! Do they consider where the paper they use comes from!? No, I say! They don't consider how many orphans need be consumed in order to make a ton of A4 paper.

Well thats about it.