Monday, July 6, 2009

mmm chips...

I'm sitting here considering going and getting $2.50 worth of chips for a rather late lunch. Because chips are awesome and I'm not getting much done anyway. mmm chips...

Had another person come to inspect the room today and I think this ones a winner. She was an army mechanic I think and seemed quite nice. Well, at least this one seems less likely to rob me of everything I own (of value, because I own a veritable shit storm of misc crap or kill me in my sleep... if they can navigate through my crap.

Chips are looking even better now...

I'm trying to decide if I should go see Transformers two or Ice Age three. I may or may not be too old to go and watch kids movies. But I hear Transformers is really bad. I tried watching the first one and gave up about half way to go and play Supreme Commander instead because they have bigger and cooler robots... bigger and more smashy robots. Reckon I could still get my hands on a copy of One Must Fall?