Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Wheres Inspector Rex when I need him!

The case of the mysterious assignment. I have an assignment that includes writing a review on eight management plans. I went to the library and rounded up eight management plans, each thick enough to be easily used defend against home intruders. I carted them back, dumped them in my room and watched a German movie on SBS while pretending not to read the subtitles while still understanding the predictable plot line. After being distracted by a box of BBQ Shapes and a shin eating coffee table I sat down and got ready to work. All was going well and I was about to ace this assignment... At least I would have if I could find the flaming thing...

Not doing an assignment because you had forgotten or were just incompetent is one thing. But you can't get annoyed because it's your own damn fault. But not being able to do an assignment because you cannot even find it, is just so frustrating! I can see it on my 'to do' list, right at the top, mocking me. It has a hash infront of it for no particular reason. A hash born of pure taunting intention. It has a recomended due date of March that I was told to ignore. Perhaps at the end of March, it removed itself from my workbook and moved to Switzerland to work in a diamond mine. Regardless, I now find myself distracted again and wanting to finish the box of shapes I started.

When the time comes to hand in the assignment, my cries of "I tried, oh how I tried!" will fall on the deaf ears of the institution for but a moment. My cries will be ignored as they haul me away to the paper mines deep below the earth where I will work off my assessment debt by sweating blood. There I will toil endlessly, miles below the earth to supply paper for the students, lecturers, board members, office workers and parking ticket writers! Do they consider where the paper they use comes from!? No, I say! They don't consider how many orphans need be consumed in order to make a ton of A4 paper.

Well thats about it.