Saturday, June 27, 2009

Hottest 100

I finally got around to voting for the hottest 100 songs of all time with JJJ. It was a hard list to compile as there are a fairly large number of songs that I love to bits I know won't get a representation. As such I left songs like that out and made my vote count. I feel bad for doing it but had to face the fact. Anyway here is the ten I chose at the time and the list would probably be a little different now. This list isn't in any particular order.

Radiohead - Pyramid Song
Rage Against the Machine - Renegades Of Funk
Red Hot Chili Peppers - Californication
Regina Spektor - Apres Moi
Rolling Stones, The - Sympathy For The Devil
Jeff Buckley - Hallelujah
White Stripes, The - Seven Nation Army
Beck - Gamma Ray
Chemical Brothers, The - Elektrobank
Gorillaz - Feel Good Inc.

Looking back I am happy with that. Perhaps I would change the White Stripes song...
Sticking with music news I got my hands on Jungle Blues album of C.W. Stoneking. Great album.
My housemate has taken up listening to Regina Spektor which is a welcome change to the experimental screamo deathmetal pop rock spoken word stuff he usually listens to. Consequently I have learnt what a godawefull singer he is and that he likes to share his singing. Oh well, he'll get sick of it one day... or I will get a restraining order on his singing.

In other news I have cold hands so I put some gloves on. One glove had a nest of spiders in it...
Needless to say there was much "Ew ew ew" and shaking of the hand. The surviving spiders then ran up my sleeves... Oh what fun spiders are!

That is all