Monday, June 22, 2009

Another Gaming Tip.

Yes it's time for another gaming tip! Today we learn that Incoming fire has right of way. It's a pretty simple concept really. Again, snipers are the exception of the rule if they are using a one shot rifle. You won't likley see the shot till it hits you so it's too late. However for automatic weapons being employed in the spray and pray technique you can predict where you should give way. Rockets and grenades are a good example as there is a delay in which you have time to get the hell out of the way.

Which reminds me of a sticker I saw on a car today. It was a sticker identifying the the car dealer who went by the name Hunt & Lobb. It sounds like a fun game to play on a map with plenty of camping spots. Or hunting thugs in Far Cry 2 at night and molitoving a camp, person by person till they run away... mmm cocktails are fun.

So now for some environmental news. On the 28th of this month I will be in charge of planting 1400 trees on a small property near Bendigo. I'm quietly terrified of the aproaching day, but I'm hoping my unique brand of blind luck will get me through the day. I'm also hoping we get tons of rain for the next few weeks so the trees don't all DIE and make me look bad! But they probably will all die and Landcare will hunt me down for wasting their money. But really, if I didnt waste it then someone else would have!

That is all.