Saturday, June 20, 2009

Because I'm so damn polite.

I made the trip into town today to get a new scientist and some paint for my models.
Instead I got a lottery ticket and a pepper pie that was more pepper than pastry. Considering I didn't buy any magical items like beans, shoes or small European cars, I think I did pretty well.

There was also a small army of dedicated people out on a mission to make me repent my sins and become born again. People like this and door to door salesman are my kryptonite. I'm too polite to tell them to move along and leave me be. As soon as I show any interest to them I am bound to listen till they get bored of talking. Because of this, I have invented a number of games to play while they share their story. The first game involves subtly moving your position and seeing how many times you can make them spin around in a complete circle.

The second involves kiting them to see just how far you can get them to follow you. Extra points if you get them across a road and/or lost.

The third game involves staring at something behind them at head level while pretend you are still looking at them. This is really off putting for them and they either try to move into your line of sight or they quickly figure out you are messing with them.

That is all.