Friday, June 19, 2009

Gaming tips!

A quick tip for the gamers among you. If the enemy is in range, so are you! Snipers excluded because they are everywhere and you always seem to be in range. Luckily the vast majority of them are not much of a shot and think grenade warnings don't apply to them. Personally, I like to sneak up on them, stick my knife in their back and see how pissed off they get!

I think the best thing about online gaming is that every time you get a kill, someone, somewhere in the world goes "DAMMIT!" And because you never see the person that kills you, you can visualise them as a hugely obese guy in a basement and say to yourself "I don't need to worry about him beating the living snot out of me because I'm cooler than him in real life!" Theoretically anyway...