Friday, June 19, 2009

Birth of a monster!

It begins! Actually it has been happening for awhile already but I'm yet to figure out exactly what it is. I should be working. Chances are you should be too but thats beside the point. I should be writing a flyer to get people to come to the planting day I've organised. I need to get 1400 plants into the ground and enough people to accomplish that to turn up on the day. Thankfully I don't have tom pay for any of it and anything that doesnt get planted will simply be returned and used somewhare else. No pressure FTW!

At this point I will give a shout out to the blog that got me interested at having a crack at it myself. I first heard of these guys on the radio and went to their blog The Somewhat Ambitious and never looked black. From their I joined Twitter and now it all goes downhill in a screaming spiral of social networking with strangers I've never met before. Nice strangers though. But since I'm an super advanced cake consumption and creation machine I can handle it... at least I could if social networking was cake. Although it is somewhat comparable! Cake is addictive and often shared with friends and must be eaten over a plate to avoid mess. Social networking is also addictive, shared and depending on how you roll, can make a god awful mess.

I visited my favorite book store today and picked up some things. A German dictionary ( I don't know why either, but now I have one!), and some books about escaping from POW camps which will come in handy for keeping scores of human prisoners in their camps after the the robot revolution. FOR FREEDOM and so forth...

Till then goodbye, thank you and come again.