Thursday, June 25, 2009

Sunday cometh!

This Sunday is the big date of my planting day. All the neighbors of the property are coming along for a look and hopefully to take part. Some of my class are going to come and help for a bit and some of my teachers and my course coordinator are coming along as well. Other than that we will hopefully get some people from the community to come along and help. Should be a fair turn out, which I will be great full for as we have 1400 trees to put in. In perspective, that really isn't a lot of trees but its an eye opener for myself who has to organise everyone to plant them.

There are about a dozen different species of plants from ruby salt bush up to white box with everything from drooping sheoaks to hedge wattle. The EVC is something like plains, white box woodland which is apparently fairly rare and degraded these days. But then again, most places are in rough shape. I'm delivering the plants tomorrow afternoon and then I'll have to set about making guards for them all... that's small mountain of guards! Ah well we'll be alright. The ground has been ripped so there will be less muscle work involved in digging.

I shall be taking some pictures throughout and may throw some up. Hopefully we can get them all in the ground on the day but I'm quietly confident we will pull it off.

That is all.