Saturday, July 25, 2009

mmm juice...

I just polished off two litres of Mildura tropical fruit drink. I feel a bit ill now but my body will thank me later for giving it some fruit like substance. My diet of late has been made up mostly of bread because I have been too lazy to go and do any shopping. So I went shopping today and got juice, apples, and a handfull of salami from the nice lady at the deli. So despite going shopping I still havnt managed to get much in the way of food. I did however get some nasty chemicles and fixed our blocked drain so now the shower doesnt overflow if you are in there for more than 90 second. So I'm proud despite not getting much done in the way of homework. But it is oh so good to have a computer again. Not because I can't live without the interwebs, but more because TV is really lame most of the time.

Well, I'm off to make some noodles and probably burn myself. I'm almost tempted to make some mashed spuds but I don't think I have a spud masher... or spuds...